Friday, November 27, 2009


Today is a misery day. It is fitting that the day after we focus on giving thanks, we focus on being miserable. And so my mood is just that, miserable. I think it's Maria's fault. And maybe the stupid girl at DQ(she was super dumb!). And maybe the fact that I wasted gas for no reason but pure rebellion. And maybe that I missed out on having a fun day with Andrew because of my stupid hormones. I don't know. I think it's all those things combined, except Maria cause she's awesome. But anyway, that combination made this day a day of misery. So what now? Get dressed and do something fun? Doubtful. I guess I shall sit here and wallow in misery until darkness overtakes my brain and I sleep and wake up to a better day tomorrow. So, to sign off, I hate poop.


  1. I gather that this entry is about diarrhea.

  2. haha.
    Thank you for helping me get through today, wasted gas and all.
